Category: Blog


Recently, Pastor Chris Ward of Yorba Linda Friends Church, began a sermon at Rock Harbor Church, Costa Mesa, with the following thought: We have been born into two kingdoms. Most are well aware of the establishment of the Kingdom of God or, synonymously, the Kingdom of the Heavens. Jesus talked about these continuously. It is

God and Forgiveness

How many times have you heard someone make the statement, often while angry at a wrong committed against them, that, “I’ll forgive but I won’t forget!” Sadly, this form of holding a grudge is as common as it is nonproductive of true forgiveness. Even when not actually stated, this business of forgiving but not forgetting


Tomorrow we will celebrate Pentecost. Among Christians, it derives its name and date from Easter plus 49 days or the fiftieth day, and it is the time we associate with the magnificent outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ apostles and other believers in Jerusalem. There is much to be said about this amazing day.


Have you ever been driving in an unfamiliar location and decided to use your GPS to get home as expeditiously as possible? We all frequently do just this, I imagine, and, in the beginning, we faithfully follow our GPS voice’s instructions, grateful for the guidance. About halfway there, however, we may begin to recognize the